Kimia clinic service tariff
It is calculated depending on the type of surgery, aesthetic, functional, restorative or a combination of these and also based on the skin type, type and model of the person. Therefore, it is better to visit Kimia Clinic in person to know the cost and do not compare yourself with any other client!
The field of activity of Kimia Clinic
Perform all cosmetic procedures including: liposuction, body contouring 380, abdominoplasty, breast prosthesis
Describe your services in full: mammoplasty-blepharoplasty-mastopexy-brachioplasty-thigh lift-temple lift-labiaplasty
Alchemy clinic rules
Kimia Beauty Clinic expects mutual respect from you, dear patient, by observing all the rules and respect, just as the clinic is responsible to you, you are also responsible to it.
Patient satisfaction of Kimia Clinic
The satisfaction of the patients of this clinic is our first priority, so any rights of the patient will be respected and implemented.